19 Places You Wouldn’t Think Of Looking For Your Cat

#1. Ready for a workout.

#2. Under the car, checking the oil.

#3. “Guarding” the beer.

#4. You’ve got mail!

#5. Catching some zzzz’s — it’s all those official papers.

#6. Checking out the acoustics.

#7. Blocking the gutter.

#8. In your gym bag.

#9. With the crockery.

#10. At the end of Chapter 5.

#11. In the oven, because… ?

#12. Parkouring.

#13. Plotting your downfall.

#14. In a place she really shouldn’t be in.

#15. “I don’t take up much space.”

#16. Putting the kettle on.

#17. Ain’t no door high enough.

#18. In the washing machine making sure you’ve separated the colors.

#19. Only he could get away with this.