Leonardo DiCaprio Is Saving The World One Selfie At A Time

Forget expensive suits, film sets, and Oscars — actor and all round great guy Leonardo DiCaprio has been busy hanging out with endangered animals raising awareness of Sumatra’s threatened species.

Yesterday Leo visited a Sumatran Orangutan conservation center and posted this orangutan fist-bumping selfie to his Instagram.


The star is using his profile to raise awareness of the devastating effects of palm oil on areas like the Leuser Ecosystem, which is the last remaining habitat of many critically endangered species.

The Leuser Ecosystem is among many environmental projects that the Leonardo DiCaptio Foundation donated over $15 million to.


And he also hung out with some of the few remaining Sumatran elephants, urging his 5 million followers to save Sumatra’s rhinos, tigers, elephants and orangutans.


You can find out more at the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation and keep up with Leo’s amazing work on Instagram.