22 Of The Most Disappointing Things That Ever Happened To Food

#1. The single iced tear of this sad Pop Tart.

#2. This avocado that doesn’t care about your avo-toast dreams.

#3. This Twinkie that was missing it’s delicious chocolatey soul.

#4. This watermelon that was 99.9% rind.

#5. This pizza that was only just “pepperoni”.

#6. This chocolate chip cookie that is ashamed of itself.

#7. This bag of air (may contain chips).

#8. This monstrosity.

#9. This footlong that was just not a foot long.

#10. This taco that feels empty inside.

#11. This breakfast that wants to ruin your whole day.

#12. This cup that comes with a challenge.

#13. This lemon that doesn’t care if you painted your nails to match it.

#14. This Kit without its Kat.

#15. This chicken sandwich that should’ve come with a magnifying glass.

#16. This box that thrives on disappointment.

#17. This hot dog that needs rethinking.

#18. This sandwich that proves appearances can be deceiving.

#19. This heartbreaking sign on a hot day.

#20. This burger that was made with hatred for the human race instead of love.

#21. This burger that shouldn’t even be allowed.

#22. And then this inexplicable tragedy.

Why, world, why?