23 Pictures Of Food Packaging That Will Make You Scream “WHYYYY”

#1. Fun fact: Bananas have a natural protective skin, but not everyone knows that.

#2. Certainly not Starbucks Philippines.

#3. “This product was developed for people who might be new to using avocados… It eliminates the guess work…” Riiiight.

#4. Yes, the potatoes really need the shrink wrap and labels. Just in case you forget.

#5. Beauty needs protecting.

#5. Packing within packaging. Don’t forget to carry it home in a plastic bag.

#6. More potato madness. WHEN WILL IT STOP?!

#8. Not anytime soon it seems.

#9. We give up.

#10. Natural chicken needs unnatural packaging.

#11. Surely not. But oh yes.

#12. Because coconuts aren’t hard enough.

#13. More coconuts — without the cumbersome natural packaging.

#14. This is a travesty.

#15. Is this really necessary?

#16. We love our lettuce fresh and plastic-ey.

#17. Apparently, Mother Nature did not do a good enough job protecting this cauliflower.

#18. At this stage there is nothing to say anymore.

#19. Except cry.

#20. And we wonder why we have an environmental crisis on our hands.

#21. This is officially THE WORST.

#22. Thank the lemon gods for packaging because who knows what would happen if it wasn’t there.

#23. And finally. Melon. Because you wouldn’t know what it was unless clearly stated.