Homesick Sheepdog Makes Incredible 12-Day, 240-Mile Journey To Get Back Home

Four-year-old sheepdog Pero was sent away from his home in Wales, UK for a trial working on a farm in Cumbria. But, clearly feeling homesick, he made a 12-day, 240-mile journey all the way home.

Mr James, Pero’s owner, sent Pero north for training in March but a few weeks later he was told Pero had gone missing whilst herding sheep.

But Pero hadn’t vanished — he’d seized his chance to make a bid for freedom and set off traveling 20 miles a day until, 12 days later, he appeared back on Mr James’ doorstep.

“He must have a Sat-Nav in his brain,” said Mr James, “A sheepdog can go all day and cover a lot of ground. But it is a mystery how he found his way here.”

“It was incredible when he turned up on our doorstep. He was very excited to be back both with the family and the other dogs.”

As Pero didn’t seem underfed when he arrived back home in Wales, his humans assume he was fed along the way, thought to be a stray.

And the best part? The family were so impressed with Pero’s puppy love, they’ve decided never to send him away again.