26 Notes From Kids That’ll Make You Laugh Harder Than You Should

#1. This budding poet.

#2. This beautiful start to a firm friendship.

#3. This guy who doesn’t care about the joke — just open the door already.

#4. This kid understands how the world works.

#5. This one not so much.

#6. This colorful yet obscure message.

#7. This subtle hint.

#8. This sinister greeting.

#9. This thoughtful Valentine’s message.

#10. This apology that came straight from the heart.

#11. This kid who isn’t impressed with his dad’s laziness.

#12. This threatening thank-you note.

#13. This incredible level of effort.

#14. This kid who dared to dream big.

#15. This kid who doesn’t care to explain his innate genius.

#16. This eternal bachelor to be.

#17. This kid who’s had just about enough of the babysitter.

#18. This kid who’s spelling needs a little work.

#19. This blossoming romance.

#20. This girl is wise beyond her years.

#21. This kid who found an innovative way to get the message across.

#22. This guy who is lacking Vitamin D, apparently.

#23. This grumpy guy.

#24. This subtle hint to try harder if you want to be the best.

#25. This egomaniac.

#26. And this lesson in morality.