We all struggle with unsightly pimples popping up (usually at the worst times), and the easiest way to remove a blemish is squeezing it, right? Wrong.
Pimples occur when oil from the sebaceous glands is blocked by bacteria and dead skin cells, causing the oil to build up and push against the skin.
While squeezing that pimple will unblock the clogged gland and leave you with a nice red face instead of a pus-filled spot, pimple-popping just causes more trouble in the long run.
“Squeezing can result in these contents being pushed into surrounding skin, making the problem worse,” says consultant dermatologist Michelle Rodrigues.
“It can also lead to infection and temporary darkening of skin in the area.”
So what’s the best way to beat blemishes? Leave them alone, people – they’ll usually sort themselves out within a week.