Do you remember the day your parents told you that you were going to have another sibling? It’s likely there was a tinge of disappointment when you realized you were going to have a little brother. But after getting used to having to share attention, you realized he wasn’t that bad. He, along with your dad, turned out to be your first loves. Here are some reasons why.
#1. You always had someone to go on adventures with.
Even though you had your own interests like playing with your Barbies, your brother probably brought out the tom boy in you. You climbed trees together, played in the dirt and maybe even caused a little trouble in your neighborhood. The adventures are a great memory for you today and made growing up with a little brother mega fun.
#2. He did girl stuff with you.
Your little brother would do anything to get some hang time with you and that included doing girly things. He would let you dress him up in your clothes and play dolls with you. Of course, there’s a picture somewhere with the proof that you put make-up on him. Thanks, mom.
#3. He taught you how you should be treated by a boy.
Even if he never said it, your little brother adored you. He always loved you unconditionally and so naturally he treated you like a princess. Of course you fought and he probably got really frustrated with you and maybe even laid out some punches. But in the end, he would do anything for you and loyally followed you wherever you went. This kind of love is a perfect example of how you’ll expect to be treated by a boyfriend or husband.
#4. You were always his biggest fan.
Your little brother likely excelled in many things such as sport, music, or studies. Even if you didn’t let on, you were always really proud of him for his accomplishments. You never missed a match, a game, or a competition because you supported him 100%.
#5. He was always honest.
Your little brother would always call you on your girl drama. If you threw a fit, he probably laughed at you and let you know you looked dumb. When others wouldn’t dare tell you the painful truth about your actions, your brother would. He was real and unbiased and that has probably made you a better person today.
#6. He has and always will protect you.
While your brother may antagonize, insult and throw banter at you, he wouldn’t let anyone else do those things to you. When it comes down to it, he will always have your back and courageously protect you no matter what.
#7. From birth and always, he’s a trusted friend.
Even though you may have fought a lot and come from different planets, you’ll always be best friends. A brother and sister have way less drama between each other than girl siblings. As adults, you’ll likely be close and continue a respectful, loving friendship that lasts forever.