There are many traits of sociopaths and one of the most important things is to recognize them early. There are several signs which indicate if someone has these tendencies. Here are some of the most significant signs of sociopathic behavior:
#1. Superficial Charm
Sociopaths are extremely charming, even if they aren’t good looking. Men or women can both be sociopaths. One of the things that makes them different from normal people is how they think and act in relationships. They use their charm to manipulate people and get what they want.
#2. Need for Stimulation
Sociopaths are always on the lookout for something which can give them a kick. They get bored very easily and require constant stimulation from new activities, places, people etc. This is also another reason why they leave a trail behind when they move from place to place or job to job.
#3. Manipulative and Cunning
A sociopath is always looking to manipulate and con people for winning what they want. They are not interested in anyone’s feelings or emotions, just their own advantage.
#4. Grandiose Sense of Self
A sociopath has an extremely negative self-image deep down inside. They try to mask it by creating a grand image of themselves which usually involves portraying themselves as a hero or some kind of guru, perhaps as the person who has everything under control.
#5. Pathological Lying
Pathological lying is another trait which you will find in sociopaths. They are constantly lying to avoid being caught or just because they want to con someone for their own benefit. They are also very convincing liars, so perfect that you won’t catch on until its too late.
#6. Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
Sociopaths don’t have strong feelings of remorse, shame or guilt. They can easily shrug off things that would leave normal people traumatized and scarred. Unlike psychopaths however, they are not completely devoid of these emotions. They just don’t care as much about other’s feelings or problems.
#7. Lack of Empathy
One of the main traits is a lack of empathy for other people’s feelings and emotions, although they seem to be very good at faking it. You can find many sociopaths in hospitals or prisons where they tend to excel due to the lack of empathy for their fellow man.
#8. Early Behaviour Problems
Sociopaths start showing behavioural problems at a very early age and continue throughout life without ever changing their ways. They often cannot hold down a job and have problems with the law and social norms throughout their life.
#9. Irresponsibility and Unreliability
Sociopaths are irresponsible people who don’t care about other’s needs or feelings, just themselves. They will not be there when you need them for any kind of help such as emotional or financial. They tend to disappear in times of crisis and reappear when everything is fine again.
#10. Impulsiveness
They are also known for their impulsiveness and poor behaviour control. They do not know how to plan ahead or think about the consequences of their actions, just like children. You can often find them doing things which they later regret.
#11. Promiscuity and Risk-Taking
Sociopaths love to take risks and live dangerously because it makes them feel alive. This, in combination with their impulsiveness makes them take stupid decisions which could have horrible consequences for themselves and others around them.
#12. Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
Sociopaths tend to be very versatile when it comes to their careers. They can change from one job or field of activity to another without any difficulties. They do not have a problem with starting from scratch and learning new things. In fact, they will take any opportunity that comes their way just to get ahead in life.
If you or someone you know is showing one or more of these signs then it is possible that they are a sociopath. The only way to find out for sure is through a professional and accurate psychiatric evaluation.
Sociopath Test
This quick test is a fun way to see what you score. It is not a professional diagnosis.