Ever Feared Losing Your Child In A Crowd? Read This

It’s what every parent fears: losing your child in a big crowd. And as summer is upon us, many moms and dads will be taking their kids to big outdoor events that attract hundreds and thousands of people.

So how do you keep children safe and prepare for the worst?

A California police department has offered some great advice for parents who want to be prepared in the event of a separation.

Clovis Police Department advises that parents write their phone number on their child’s wrist and cover it with liquid band aid.

They also tell parents to “take a photo of [the child] using your cell phone the morning of the event so you have their clothing, hair style, and up to date photo. #BePrepared.”

The advice is a repost of a #TipOfTheDay the department shared back in September, and with over 7,000 shares, the post was one of their most popular ever.

This repost has reached over 11,000 shares and nearly 4,000 likes.