10-Year-Old Boy’s “I Am” Poem Gives Touching Personal Insight Into Life With Autism

Poetry is a powerful tool. It’s one of the oldest forms of self-expression that can easily cause a stir of emotions just with a few words, and one kid is using that tool to share just what it’s like to be him.

Benjamin Giroux, a 10-year-old with Asperger’s Syndrome, was given a homework assignment to write a poem.

He saw it as an opportunity to pour out his deepest emotions on how it feels to be like him — different.

His poem entitled “I am,” is simple yet heart-wrenching.

“I hear voices in the air, I see you don’t and that’s not fair,” reads Benjamin’s poem. “I want to not feel blue, I am odd, I am new, I pretend tat you are too.”

“I feel like a boy in outer space, I touch the stars and feel out of place.”

“I say I, “feel like a castaway”, I dream of a day that that’s okay. I try to fit in. I hope that someday I do. I am odd, I am new.”

The National Autism Association shared his poem online, as it resonates with so many others like him, and people quickly responded to his touching poem with words of their own.

As one commenter said, “[It’s] so important to hear Benjamin’s voice and celebrate our diversity. We all have something so amazingly unique to offer the world.”