Teachers Reveal What A-List Celebs Were Really Like At School

A Reddit thread discussing celebrities at school, answered by those who knew them, has thrown up some wild revelations about A-listers from Kanye West to Leonardo DiCaprio.

Kanye West was “a decent student but sometimes a bit stubborn”, says a teacher of the superstar.


He was described as, “Overall not that noticeable, although he did like freestyling. He and some other students threw a little baby shower for my mom while she was pregnant, which is nice.”

Mariah Carey was described by one Redditor’s mom as “a bully” and a “total diva”.


“My mom found out that Mariah would get up really early for school to get ready. She said she would take a needle to her eyelashes so each one was straight and perfect.”

And Hilton heiress Paris Hilton was said to be “just as snobby” then as she seems to be now.


“Apparently she was a bitch then too … Dated high schoolers in 7th grade and just acted better than everyone.” Ouch.

Singer Ke$ha actually got nice feedback from a teacher, who said: “She was a totally normal girl that just liked to sing. Did a number at a talent show. Was definitely the best singer of the school.”


“[She was] fairly quiet in general and seemed nice.” Another student added, “I know a guy who dated her in high school, said … she was definitely an oddball. She told him she wanted to be a professional singer and he said he laughed in her face.” Bet he’s regretting that now…

JK Rowling was mentioned by a former teacher who worked with the Harry Potter author in a school, saying, “She was pretty shy and mostly kept to herself.”


“Apparently when she was asked what her interest were she would mention in passing that she was trying to write a book.” That book, of course, was the first Harry Potter novel.

Charmer Leonardo DiCaprio apparently wasn’t always the smooth-talker he is today, as one Redditor said he was something of a loner at school.


“He didn’t get along with the other kids, came in during lunch to eat with the teachers and faculty,” they wrote. Aww Leo, we’d have eaten lunch with you.

And Lady Gaga was said to be too focused on music to care much about schoolwork; she “used to stand up after class every day and tell everyone to come out and see her gigs.”


“Lady Gaga wasn’t doing very well in the class, so my professor told  her that maybe if she focused more on her school work and less on her gigs she’d be more successful.” Shows what he knows.

Other celebrities mentioned include “bright” Kristen Bell who had a “beautiful singing voice” and Bill Murray, who “held the school record for detentions.”


John Travolta was said to be “annoying”, Matthew McConaughey was “sweet” at school and Will Ferrell used to streak at parties.

And look at them now…