Fair-weathered friends are a dime a dozen, but true, lasting friendships are few and far between. We’ve all had to say goodbye to a good friend at one point or another. But when you’ve found the right ones, hold on to them for dear life.
#1. The One With No Filter.
This is the friend who tells the truth and nothing but. Their words are brutal in their honesty, but come from a place of compassion. This friend has saved you from dating one asshole too many with their frankness in the “BFF evaluation test”.
#2. The Mother Goose.
You probably call them “mommy” for many reasons: they fawn over sickly you and make sure you eat on time. They put their friends’ needs above theirs. Having someone like this in your life will give you an overwhelming sense of being loved, and who doesn’t want that?
#3. The SOS Call.
When you go, “Hey boo, I was wondering if you could help me with this –“, they will be like, “Say no more. Be at your house in 10.” What makes this person different from your other friends is that they go over and beyond the call of duty, and don’t expect anything in return.
#4. The Cheerleader.
No, this one doesn’t carry pom poms, but they do volunteer you for a competition because they have 100% confidence in your talents. They’re the ones who wait in line with you at auditions, and treat you to ice cream if you don’t make the cut. This is the person who still believes in you long after you’ve given up on yourself.
#5. The Fearless Adventurer.
This friend has convinced you to jump over a 40-foot cliff and into buying drinks for the cute guys at the bar — basically, all the things you never would have done. They won’t let you live vicariously through their exploits, they will haul your arse to toe the wild side with them. It is their life mission to show you the magnificent life outside your little shell.
#6. The Straight Shooter.
It would take an earthquake and five Channing Tatums to lure them out of the room during finals week. They’re always sober enough to, say, save you from eating mouldy cinnamon rolls after you explained how expiration dates are merely “suggestions”. Also, make sure to thank them later for being the designated driver at every bar crawl.
#7. The Wise Mentor.
They churn out sound advice about anything: from boys to school to existential life crises. Basically, this friend is the human equivalent of a Chinese fortune cookie. They are the keeper of all secrets who can listen to every detail of last night’s drunken deeds without the judgmental side-eye.
#8. The Polar Opposite.
Having someone in your life whose interests, opinions, and culture differ from yours gives you an excuse to try on various hats, and to see how people on the other side live. Side effects include developing an acceptance of views you were opposed to before, and the destruction of long-held biases and stereotypes. Be warned.
#9. The One Who Hates The Same Things You Do.
Being friends with a person whose hate-meter mirrors yours is inevitable; it’s just so easy to bond over hating something together. Your favorite things to do are practising your eye rolling skills, venting, and immersing yourselves in a dark pool of mutual derision. You’re a match made in heaven… or more appropriately, hell.
#10. The Class Clown.
Their uncanny ability to give anyone a side stitch from laughing makes them an essential fixture at any event — and in your life. Extensive research has proven the importance of being around someone who can make even a weather update sound funny. True say.
#11. The Rival.
This person keeps you on your toes: they are at par with you in almost all aspects. And because you hate losing, you bring your A-game when they’re around. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone. How boring would it be if you just won all the time? *wink*
#12. The Chipper One.
When we’re at our lowest, it helps to be reminded that while pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. And this friend embodies this mantra — they put a brave face on no matter what they may be going through. Happiness is infectious, and just being beside such a positive person will lift your spirits, too.
#13. The Loyal Sidekick.
This friend is there through it all: the good, the bad, and the ugly. There is no hiding things from this friend, because they know you more than you know yourself and still love every stinking bit of you. This friend knows you are all of the people that make up this list. And guess what? They will never, ever let go.