12 Guilty Pleasures Every Single Girl Can Relate To

There’s no reason to rush love. Relationships come and go, so having ‘single’ as a relationship status at least once in your life is inevitable. Everyone talks about the benefits of a relationship, but being single has its perks too. If you’re living the fabulous single life, here’s a few guilty pleasures you can definitely relate to.

#1. Not having to share your space.

Some girls just absolutely love their privacy, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

#2. Not having to worry about whether or not there’s enough food.

‘Cos it’s aaaaaaall for you, baby girl.

#3. Having one less person to worry about in your life.

You gotta keep looking out for number 1, right?

#4. Not having to deal with your partner’s people.

You don’t have to deal with the pressure of getting to the stage where he takes you home to meet his parents, either.

#5. Being lazy with your grooming habits.

“I will shave my legs whenever I feel like it, damn it!”

#6. Dating. Duh.

Go forth and flirt without fear!

#7. Not being financially tied to someone.

Spending less on another human being just means more for you. Feel free to interchange ‘you’ with ‘shopping’.

#8. Being able to travel on a whim.

You don’t have to worry about a significant other back home worrying and wondering where the f*ck you went.

#9. Being able to live the life you love and want for yourself.

And you don’t have to worry about adjusting for someone else or trying to fit in another person into your plans.

#10. Being self-reliant.

Miss Independent, party of one.

#11. Having more time for your friends.

GNO (girls night out) = your life.

#12. Being incredibly selfish.

Because you can be, and no one can say sh*t about it.