10 Surprising Uses For Aspirin You Never Knew About

#1. Reduce the appearance of acne.

Crush 2-3 uncoated aspirin tablets and mix them with lemon juice, then apply it to the offending pimple. Leave for a few minutes before washing off thoroughly and watch that blemish disappear.

#2. Remove calluses from feet.

Crush 7 aspirin and add half a tablespoon of lemon juice, mixing together until it forms a thick paste. Apply the mix to the soles of your feet and cover with a warm cloth. After 10 minutes, rub a pumice stone all over your feet and voila — super soft tootsies.

#3. Repair damaged hair.

Aspirin mixed with warm water and applied to clean hair for 15 minutes will rejuvenate your locks, leaving them silky and shiny.

#4. Remove sweat stains from clothes.

Dissolve an aspirin in warm water and apply to the sweat-stained area of clothing. Leave overnight, pop them in the washing machine the next morning as per usual and the item will look sparkling new.

#5. Remove soap scum from bathtubs.

Crush aspirin and mix with your regular bath cleaning liquid. Sprinkle all over the tub, leave for 30 minutes, then easily scrub the scum away.

#6. Lengthen the life of cut flowers.

If you add a single aspirin tablet to the water, fresh cut flowers will last much longer. This trick works especially well for roses!

#7. Make a face mask…

Aspiring actually contains many ingredients used in creams and cleansers, so why not make your own? Mix 7 aspirin pills with 3 tablespoons of yoghurt and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply to your face and leave for 15 minutes, rinse, and enjoy radiant, smooth skin.

#8. …and an exfoliator.

Crushed aspirin mixed with warm water makes for a great exfoliant to buff away dead cells, as well as reducing the size of enlarged pores and removing excess oil.

#9. Relieve insect bites.

Dampen an uncoated aspirin in a tablespoon of water and apply it to the insect bite for a few minutes. This will reduce the swelling and soothe that irritating itch.

#10. Keep dandruff at bay.

Nobody likes dandruff, so simply wash your hair with 2 crushed aspirin mixed with your regular shampoo and say bye-bye to flakes.