This City Just Did The Most Amazing Thing With Their Abandoned Wal-Mart

Walmart is literally everywhere – whether you live in a small town or a large city, there’s probably a Wal-Mart within driving distance. But what happens when one of them closes?

Officials in McAllen, Texas, were faced with this very situation – but that’s when they decided to do something amazing. Instead of leaving the building abandoned, they transformed it into the largest single-floor public library in America.

Welcome to the library of your dreams…



After getting rid of the old walls and ceiling, the developers decided to go for a very modern style for the building.


The library features 16 public meeting spaces, 14 public study rooms, 64 computer labs, 10 children’s computer labs, and 2 genealogy computer labs.


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There is also a cafe, a used book store, an auditorium, and self check-out stations.



The grounds look pretty awesome too – they make a great place to relax and take some time off reading.


Well done to McAllen, Texas for the wonderful transformation. We hope this is a trend that continues!