20 Confusing Pictures You Need To Look At Twice

We’ve all seen optical illusions, right? Those images that confuse our brains and show us something that isn’t supposed to be. But optical illusions aren’t just found in art; they can also be found in photos.

The images you are about to see contain optical illusions that will make you look twice. Some of them are bizarre, some are funny, and others are just beautiful – but they’re all optical illusions. I’m not even going to try explaining what is happening in these photos because my explanation probably wouldn’t do them justice anyway. It’s better if you look at them and try to figure out what is going for yourself!

#1. This very confusing bikini shot.

#2. This teacher who did not wet his pants.

#3. This girl, in fact, has normal-length arms.

#4. As does this boy.

#5. This man who didn’t wear a wedding dress to the park.

#6. This guy who doesn’t have very feminine legs (and heels on).

#7. This isn’t a canvas, it’s a mirror.

#8. This man (sadly) does not have a sausage for a head.

#9. These girls are not conjoined twins.

#10. This man is not hugging this woman.

#11. This woman is not naked from the waist down.

#12. This news reported is not freakishly thin.

#13. These BFFs have not gotten their heads tangled up.

#14. This is (again, sadly) not a giant puppy.

#15. This waiter is not wearing a skirt.

#16. This picture isn’t NSFW.

#17. This man is not chilling by a still lake.

#18. This cat is not semi-transparent.

#19. This girl’s head is definitely attached to her body.

#20. And this woman’s head has not vanished.