17 Commonly Mispronounced Food Names And How To Actually Say Them

#1. Bruschetta

Don’t say: Broo-sheh-tuh… Instead say: Broo-SKET-tuh

#2. Sriracha

Don’t say: Sree-rah-cha… Instead say: SEE-rotch-a (Don’t believe it? Ask the maker.)

#3. Maraschino cherry

Don’t say: Mare-uh-sheeno… Instead say: Mare-uh-SKEENO

#4. Anise

Don’t say: Ah-nees… Instead say: ANN-iss

#5. Jicama

Don’t say: Hick-uh-muh… Instead say: HEE-kuh-mah

#6. Gyro

Don’t say:  Jy-roe… Instead say: YEE-roe

#7. Açaí

Don’t say: Ah-kai…  Instead say: Ah-SIGH-ee

#8. Bouillabaisse

Don’t say: Bool-yah-bays…  Instead say: BOO-yah-BESS

#9. Sherbert

Don’t say: Sher-bert… Instead say: Sher-BIT (The proper spelling is always “sherbet”; if you see this printed on a menu as “sherbert,” it’s wrong.)

#10. Pho

Don’t say: Foe… Instead say: FUH

#11. Endive

Don’t say:  En-dive… Instead say: On-DEEV

#12. Worcestershire sauce

Don’t say:  Wore-chester-shire… 
Instead say: WOOS-TUH-SHURE

#13. Lychee

Don’t say: Lie-chee… Instead say: LEE-chee

#14. Gnocchi

Don’t say: No-key… Instead say: NYOH-key

#15. Crudités

Don’t say:  Krew-dites… Instead say: Krew-dih-TAY

#16. Sake

Don’t say: Socky… Instead say: Sah-KAY

#17. Espresso

Don’t say: Ex-press-oh… Instead say: ESS-press-oh