Lithuanian outdoorsman Darius Sasnauskas had the rare opportunity to witness the birth of two baby deer in his backyard near Yellowstone National Park in the US.
Sadly, one of them injured her leg and was left behind by her family because she couldn’t keep up with them.
“With so many predators around, she had no chance to survive on her own,” Darius writes in his video caption. So he decided to take her home: “I do not support keeping wild animals as pets, but this was [a] special situation.”
He made the fawn a leg brace from an oatmeal box.
Darius fed her every 4 hours and his dog tenderly (and repeatedly) licked the fawn’s face.
It was only a matter of time before the beautiful little thing learned to walk again.
“She’s already used to me, and she follows me… but nobody can replace her real mom.”
After a lot of hard work, the baby deer was strong enough to be set free… but she kept returning to Darius.
Eventually, one evening the mom showed up and the baby deer rejoined her family. A few months later Darius spotted her once again, looking happy and healthy.
The video has gained over a million views on YouTube. Darius writes: “I didn’t expect this story to become so popular. I am sure that any of us with a little bit of a conscience about our existence, with love for the nature and animals would do the same.”