A divorce attorney has identified three professions where men are reportedly less inclined to be unfaithful to their partners.
While there are numerous expert opinions on detecting signs of infidelity, such as certain apps or ‘red flag’ behaviors, there is less discussion on indicators of a loyal partner.
According to Kate Simonds, a divorce attorney based in Arizona, a person’s profession might influence their likelihood of staying faithful in a relationship.
Taking to TikTok, Simonds emphasized that her observations are anecdotal and should be viewed as generalizations without scientific backing. She cautioned against making any rash decisions based on her findings.
Simonds stated, “If you’ve lived through infidelity, it is so heartbreaking and so don’t take this as science. If you’re in a relationship with one of these types of men, you’re safe. Are you ready?”
The attorney pointed out that health workers, especially pharmacists who are not on the emergency frontlines, are among the least likely to cheat.
“No cheating in pharmacy,” Simonds asserted. “Even the lovely Walgreens Pharmacy.”
If your partner works in accounting, Simonds suggests they’re less likely to stray. She noted that accountants often share a common personality type that tends to stay loyal.
According to Simonds, individuals working in agriculture are the least likely to cheat. She praised farmers for their loyalty, saying, “If you are married to or in a relationship with a farmer, I predict no cheating will occur.”
Many viewers agreed, with one commenting, “Farmers don’t have time to cheat,” and another joking about their farmer partner’s tendency to focus more on buying cattle than being unfaithful.
On the flip side, certain professions like pilots or flight attendants are seen as more prone to infidelity. Simonds shared this insight with her 40,000 Instagram followers, highlighting airplane staff as frequent cheaters though not the worst offenders.
One follower in the airline industry expressed surprise that pilots and flight attendants weren’t at the top of the list, given the high rates of divorce and infidelity within the field.
The legal and military professions also face scrutiny, with some suggesting that the authority and respect these roles command at work don’t always translate well at home.
One military veteran shared, “I was single in the military thank god. I saw some of the worst husbands and wives ever while I was in service.”
Bartenders are also highlighted due to their late-night shifts, which could potentially contribute to cheating tendencies.
However, Simonds identifies firefighters as the most likely to be unfaithful, placing them at the top of her list.
Research by RantCasino, an online gambling platform, found that in 2023, 85% of affairs occur at the workplace, with 20% of employees admitting to having an affair with a coworker.
Sales professionals lead in workplace affairs, with researcher Laura O’Brien telling The New York Post that the industry’s irregular hours and networking events create an environment conducive to infidelity.
Education professionals, including professors and teachers, follow closely at 13.7%, as reported by Yahoo! Life. Long hours and stressful work conditions are cited as potential factors leading to unfaithfulness in these fields.