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The internet thrives on heartwarming stories, such as this one of a cute dog protecting an equally cute kitten from a scary thunderstorm.
“Came home to my roommate’s dog protecting my kitten from the loud thunder and lightning outside,” an Imgur user writes.
Almost as an afterthought, he adds: “Oh, this also happened.”
And just like that, the internet exploded into a meme-creating frenzy. So is “Overly Excited Dog” the next big internet meme? You decide.
Dog meets dog.
This cannot be unseen.
The hero the world probably doesn’t need.
Run, Forrest, run!
Inspector Dog.
Plot Twist: Overly Excited Dog protects a… clam.
This is what “Overly Radioactive Dog” probably looks like.
Straight out of your nightmares.
Gogo takes her dog out for a spin.
Taking the opportune time to roll over.
This version is probably more accurate.
Somebody keep this dog on a leash!
“Overly Excited Dog” protects kitten from a thunderstorm… pretty much.
It’s the safest place for a kitten.