Donald Trump, as runner-up for Time’s Person of the Year, posed patriotically with a bald eagle this week for Time magazine. But things didn’t quite go as planned (much to the internet’s delight)…
This is Uncle Sam, the bald eagle.

And this is the final picture.

But, understandably, Uncle Sam didn’t really like being shut up in an office with Trump.

The 27-year-old eagle isn’t exactly a “docile” bird and repeatedly “lunged” at the politician, according to Time.

Neither bird nor man look particularly happy about the arrangement…

… Resulting in brilliant moments like this: Trump ducking for cover as the eagle snaps his beak menacingly.

Before Uncle Sam actually tries to dive-bomb Trump’s infamous hair.

The video below shows the newly-released footage in full, with Trump looking thoroughly uncomfortable, smoothing his hair a lot and the eagle causing havoc.
“What you will do for a cover,” said Trump afterwards, “This bird is seriously dangerous but beautiful.”