18 Times Hotels Perfectly Delivered Even The Craziest Visitor Requests

Because there’s nothing a hotel can’t serve.

#1. Who doesn’t love Mother Winslow?

#2. Honestly who wouldn’t want to have a friendly animal greet them hello every morning on a business trip?

#3. This hotel gets plus gold stars for the sweet note.

#4. Why? More like, why not?

#5. Bravo, Hotel Indigo Newcastle.

#6. The fact that they found this photo was impressive enough.

#7. *sick guitar solo plays in the background*

#8. If you love bacon, do this at your next hotel stay.

#9. We wonder if the hotel got it right…

#10. This hotel clearly understood the whole “with great power, comes great responsibility” thing.

#11. They tried, and that’s what matters.

#12. Why a grown man or woman would need champagne, roses, and a plastic dinosaur? We don’t know, either.

#13. Not the best pillow fort, but that sign and elephant towel make it better.

#14. Okay, but where is the sexy picture of fruit?

#15. They delivered, but they delivered poorly.

#16. Ever hear about the one with the camel in the hotel room?

#17. This swan and cat are having a stare down.

#18. We hope the hotel gave this guy a really inTENTS experience.