Expert identifies seven crucial signs a relationship is in trouble and what to watch for

Maintaining a healthy relationship can be challenging, particularly if you habitually engage in behaviors that can be detrimental.

If romantic relationships were simple, then perhaps the world wouldn’t constantly express how difficult they are to manage.

Throughout human history, both men and women have expressed frustrations with the complexities of dating. Everyone seems to have their own ideas on how to create a lasting and happy partnership, yet success is not always guaranteed.

Kathy McCoy, a relationship expert and psychotherapist, has identified seven warning signs that indicate your relationship may be in trouble, offering guidance to those in need.

This point is fairly straightforward. While you may have immense admiration for your partner, it’s important to remember they are human and imperfect.

McCoy emphasizes the importance of not idolizing them as flawless beings.

She noted, “Those who cling stubbornly to notions of achieving relationship perfection, of never fighting or never feeling disappointed in some way, are missing opportunities to find happiness in an imperfect, but loving relationship.”

This perspective encourages acceptance of a partner’s imperfections.

This sign pertains to individuals who adhere strictly to the idea that things must be done their way, dismissing their partner’s perspectives or emotions.

McCoy adds that this rigidity leads to contempt.

And naturally, harboring contempt for your partner is far from ideal.

It might be unexpected, but some people believe that never arguing is a positive sign in a partnership.

However, McCoy suggests that the lack of conflict could indicate a failing relationship.

This absence of disagreement might hint at emotional detachment and loss of hope.

Suppressed anger and resentment could eventually surface, manifesting subtly or around others.

Furthermore, this can lead to emotional numbness, which isn’t conducive to a joyful relationship.

On the flip side, this sign is clearer. For many, physical intimacy is a crucial aspect of a relationship, facilitating connection in multiple dimensions.

While initially, it might take time to understand each other’s preferences, couples eventually discover satisfying compromises.

McCoy underlines the importance of finding mutual satisfaction in this area.

Addictions can strain all types of relationships, not just romantic ones.

McCoy points out that unresolved issues related to addiction can be detrimental to a partnership due to the nature of addiction.

She explains, “The promises, the betrayals, and the hope too often dashed can erode love and relationship goodwill. While not all marriages affected by addiction end up in divorce or estrangement, compulsive behavior of any kind [can be a problem].”

This applies not just to addiction to substances like drugs and alcohol but also to gambling, overspending, and infidelity.

Seeking professional help for addiction can be beneficial, regardless of relationship status.

Being persistently pessimistic can ultimately damage a relationship.

Although constant optimism isn’t necessary, an ongoing negative outlook can hinder a relationship’s success.

McCoy explains that negative expectations may stem from ‘unrealistic expectations’ or ‘panic’ when faced with imperfections.

She used an example of a woman fearful of infidelity based on past experiences, leading to overbearing behavior and eventual withdrawal from her partner due to lack of trust.

The final warning sign is often overlooked by couples due to its simplicity.

According to McCoy, couples that get too comfortable may cease engaging in small gestures and habits crucial for ongoing bonding.

Simple acts like ‘holding hands, hugging, cuddling or kissing, shared in-jokes, and finding joy in ordinary as well as extraordinary experiences’ can be forgotten.

A lack of gratitude might lead couples to focus on a partner’s faults, criticizing, blaming, and highlighting their shortcomings.

McCoy stresses that healthy relationships are built on a sense of safety, comfort, and overall positive and supportive views of each other, despite any flaws.