Fear-Inducing Simulation Reveals How to Defend Against Shark Attacks, Yet Many Find It ‘Too Difficult’

If you’re adventurous enough to venture into the ocean where dangerous animals lurk, it’s crucial to know how to protect yourself if things go south.

However, after watching a chilling simulation on how to defend against a shark, many people are finding it a bit overwhelming.

Personally, I’ve never tangled with a shark. In fact, I’m grateful every day for the lack of shark attacks in my life.

That said, if a shark were to attack me, it’s useful to know how to improve my odds of survival.

That’s precisely the aim of this viral simulation.

The YouTube channel Zack D. Films posted a video some months ago demonstrating how to survive a shark attack, but many viewers are skeptical about their ability to follow the advice.

The simulation features a man in the deep ocean, illustrating the recommended defense techniques against a shark.

The narrator in the video stated: “Punching and kicking the eyes and gills can be an effective way to defend yourself during a shark attack.

“This can deter the shark from continuing its attack.”

So, essentially, you’re advised to swing and aim underwater as best as you can.

The narrator further explained: “Also maintain strong eye contact as much as possible as this may cause the shark to lose interest.

“If it does lose interest, slowly and calmly back away towards safety keeping your movements smooth to avoid splashing.”

It sounds straightforward, but between the screams of terror, maintaining calm and aiming for the gills might be quite challenging.

Social media users seemed to agree, noting how difficult it would be to execute these steps successfully.

“Trying to punch underwater is like trying to throw a punch in your dream,” one YouTube user commented.

“Punching and kicking underwater is way too f**king hard. It’s like if pillows had fists,” another user added.

“My man really just said ‘If you want to survive a shark attack… you gotta fight the shark, lol,’” another commented.

“I will calmly think about your advice when I’m being eaten,” someone else wrote.

Nevertheless, it’s better to be aware and never need the information than to wonder what might have happened had you paid more attention in shark defense class.