Over the weekend, the iconic Glastonbury Festival was graced with a surprise appearance by Michael J. Fox, the beloved star from Back to the Future. The 63-year-old actor took to the Pyramid Stage alongside the renowned band Coldplay on Saturday night (29 June). Diagnosed with Parkinson’s at the young age of 29 in 1991, Fox retired from acting in 2020 due to the progression of his symptoms. He has been candid about his struggles, sharing insights into his darkest moments and his perspective on life and death.
The crowd at Glastonbury was visibly moved when Fox picked up the guitar to play alongside Coldplay. The emotional highlight came when Chris Martin, Coldplay’s frontman, shared a heartfelt revelation, attributing the formation of his band to the inspiration they drew from watching Back to the Future. Martin expressed his gratitude, saying, “The main reason why we’re in a band is because of watching Back to the Future, so thank you to our hero forever and one of the most amazing people on Earth, Mr Michael J. Fox. Thank you so much, Michael.”
Fox accompanied the band for their poignant songs ‘Fix You’ and ‘Humankind’, turning the performance into an unforgettable moment for everyone present. The emotional resonance of the performance was not confined to those at the festival; viewers at home were equally touched. Comments flooded social media, with one viewer stating, “Coldplay bringing out Michael J Fox, baaaaawling.” Others admitted to shedding tears during the late-night performance, with remarks like, “Am I crying in the middle of the night watching a Coldplay gig? I might, yes.”
This memorable incident wasn’t Michael J. Fox’s first time moving an audience this year; earlier, he had elicited a similar reaction when he presented the BAFTA for ‘Best Film’. During his speech, he reflected on the transformative power of cinema, saying, “There’s a reason why they say movies are magic, because movies can change your day, they can change your outlook, they can sometimes even change your life.”
Coldplay’s performance at this year’s Glastonbury was historic, marking their fifth time headlining the Pyramid Stage—a first for any band. They began their journey at Glastonbury in 1999 in the New Bands Tent, gradually ascending to their first headline slot in 2002, followed by appearances in 2005, 2011, and 2016.
While Coldplay’s set concluded, the festival excitement continued. SZA was scheduled to headline the Pyramid Stage on the following night (30 June), marking her debut at this position.