This Giant “Story Pod” In Toronto Unfolds Into An Open-Air Public Library

Architecture studio AKB has created an amazing “Story Pod” that opens up into a library in a picturesque park in Toronto, Canada.

Encouraging people to read and enjoy the city’s public spaces, visitors can borrow and donate books or simply enjoy the space.

From a distance, the clever design makes the vertical slats look like an opaque wall…

… but close up they reveal piles of books.

The library folds up into a neat box.

And opens up like — you guessed it! — the pages of a book.

And when the pod locks up for the night (to keep out those notorious Canadian book thieves) it lights up like a lantern.

We hope AKB bring the Story Pod to cities everywhere, but in the meantime, with temperatures as low as -7°C in the winter in Toronto, you might want to bring a jumper.