5 Common Mistakes That Destroy Friendships

#1. Being a guy thief.

Obviously, this is a big no-no. We all have friends who like attention from the opposite sex a little too much. But when they are always honing in on their friends’ love interests, it can (and often does) lead to disaster. This act is that of a frenemy (a person with whom one is friendly despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry) and is totally unacceptable.

#2. Constantly being late or no-showing.

Fundamentally, friends should be excited to spend time with each other so it makes little sense for them to be a no-show or arrive late. Everyone is busy in life and when there’s a friend who disrespects others with their unreliability, it shows a total disregard for their feelings. Friends should take time out for each other and commit to plans. Slowly, the tardy no-shower will be excluded from events and they’ll have nothing to be late for on a Friday night.

#3. Being a taker without giving back.

Friends should give each other equal amounts of respect. A giver and a taker are not a good match as the giver will eventually grow tired. Although it may take a long time before the relationship ends, it naturally deteriorates in time. Friendships should be equal effort for all parties built on respect, trust and unconditional love.

#4. Breaking confidences and gossiping too much.

Above everything else, a friend is someone who can be trusted. When friends talk behind each others backs and spill secrets that were told in confidence the relationship becomes toxic. A massive part of friendship is trust. This one seemingly harmless act can destroy an otherwise great friendship instantly.

#5. Being self-occupied.

A pal who ignores their friend’s needs and doesn’t notice when they’re going through a tough time cannot be called a ‘friend’. Friendships need to be nurtured by listening to one another and offering up support when it’s needed. Someone can’t be a friend if they’re too busy naval-gazing.