Mom’s Hilarious Comics Perfectly Sum Up The Highs And Lows Of Motherhood

Illustrator and mom-of-three Heloise Weiner’s Motherhood Comics uniquely document the heartwarming, hilarious, and cringe-worthy moments of parenting.

Makes sense.

Heloise draws the comical antics her sons Ezra, William, and Nino get up to.

Happy to eat carpet crumbs, spits out dinner at the table.

And shows how grateful she was for everyone’s “advice”…

“I’m sure you’re right, but when I had MY kids…”

The comics examine the good…

“I really can’t manage myself, darling.”

…the bad…

Anyone who can make this is some kind of fabric wizard.

…and the ugly.

Costume-ready, just in time for the new Star Wars.

Wave goodbye to your social life: you made three tiny people and they want your attention (like, right now).

Who needs smug friends when your kids love you this much?

Her kids are full of adorable surprises.

What a treat.

Heloise examines the confusing place that is a young child’s mind.

Buy expensive toys for Christmas or install new plugs?

She goes above and beyond to keep the kids happy.


And she doesn’t shy from giving her own honest advice.


And if her kids are having a quiet day, there’s always the wonderful people of the world to draw.

Oh dear.

Or she can look to husband, Mat, for inspiration.

Partners in crime in every sense.

Even post-pregnancy can be a real laugh-a-minute experience.


So. Many. Stupid. Questions.

“Feeding him, eh? Nope. Never even occured to me.”

Heloise regularly adds to her Motherhood Comics blog and shares them on her Facebook, too — so be sure to check them out!