#1. You can act like yourself.

You aren’t worried that your true self is going to send your guy running to the hills. You feel confident that he has hand picked you because of who you are.
#2. He’s interested in your life.

He wants to know every part of you. He asks you about your work day and takes interest in the things you care about. He wants to get to know your family and friends because they are an important part of your life.
#3. He genuinely respects you.

When you speak, he looks at you and listens to every word you say. He doesn’t show up late or interrupt you when you’re talking. He respects you and everyone you know, giving the people you love the same treatment he gives you.
#4. He’s a good communicator.

A guy who is open with his thoughts and feelings is a definite keeper. This one factor prevents a lot of drama and insecurity in the relationship because you always know what’s on his mind. When you communicate openly, you can solve whatever problems arise.
#5. You enjoy simple things together.

You should be able to sit on a park bench and enjoy each others company as much as you do on an expensive night out. Relishing in the simple things together is a good indication that the companionship is legit.
#6. He has his own life.

You can tell a lot about a man by the social life he has. If he has good friends and hobbies, he’s complete. You are a priority but not because he has nothing else.
#7. You feel confident with him.

There are a lot of elements to feeling confident around your guy. If he is considerate and consistent with his attention to you and makes you feel good, you’re going to feel confident. He doesn’t cause you to question where the relationship is going and how he feels. You just know you have a good thing.
#8. He’s supportive.

As much as romantic love sweeps you off your feet, it’s also good to find friendship with each other. Finding a guy who is supportive of your ventures in life propels you to higher levels. He’s got your back, he believes in you and is always there to encourage you.
#9. He’s self sufficient.

If your guy has been on his own for a long time and can clean up after himself, this is a major plus. He’s not going to rely on you to do all the domestic duties. A guy who can make you dinner from time to time is a keeper for sure.
#10. He’s willing to commit.

While all of the above attributes are important, if he has an issue with committing then all bets are off. There will be many signs that show his willingness to commit but always trust your gut with this. You’re going to know intuitively if he’s all in.