Joanna Montgomery of design company Little Riot wanted to help people feel connected with loved ones even when they were miles apart.
She came up with Pillow Talk, a device that tracks the wearer’s heartbeat for your distant significant other to feel or hear.
The soft bracelet uses a sensor to monitor the heartbeat and wirelessly transmit it to a tiny speaker that you can pop under your pillow.
Couples sync their Pillow Talk devices via their smartphones and can listen to each other’s hearts beating in real time.
It’s a little bit strange but, in its own way, quite romantic.
Even when you’re on-the-go you can listen to your loved one’s heartbeat via a headphone, so you can be certain they’re alive 24/7.
Or you could, er, phone them for a chat to be absolutely certain.
To pre-order Pillow Talk or learn more about how to help this project get off the ground, head to the Kickstarter page.