Family Spends 6 Months Working Out Together, Their Before-And-After Photos Will Inspire You

32-year-old Chinese photographer Jesse wanted to make a change in his life and be healthier.

It all started when his mom temporarily moved in with him and his then-pregnant wife to help the couple through the first stages of parenthood.

Jesse used this as an opportunity to get his family on board with his fitness journey.

Jesse also invited his father to join them. He knew that this would help his father “regain his passion for life.”

At first they started fast-walking, which gradually became jogging, then running.

Jesse and his father did more and more exercises, then eventually joined a gym together.

The two took pictures of their changing bodies every ten days to see the transformation.

Jesse said they had initially planned for their weight loss program to last from March 10th 2017 to September 30th 2017.

But even after, the family found that exercise became a huge part of their lives.

When asked about what has been the most rewarding part of their family’s health journey, Jesse said that hands down, it’s seeing his father become a confident man.