Kanye West Sparks Outrage After Wearing ‘White Lives Matter’ Shirt At Paris Fashion Week

At Paris, Fashion Week on Monday, rapper and fashion designer Ye and conservative US political pundit Candace Owens made waves with identical “White Lives Matter” t-shirts.

The Black pair donned the contentious shirts during a surprise fashion show for Yeezy, the company owned by Ye, formerly known as Kanye West.

Owens posted photographs on her social media sites with portraits of the late Pope John Paul II on the front of their shirts.

The “Candace” political talk show presenter also retweeted a remark from another Instagram user who said, “She’s challenging the narrative that is being shoved down our throats.”

Ye and Owens have previously collaborated on political fashion statements, notably in 2018 when he designed “Blexit” t-shirts for Owens. The shirts were designed to persuade Black Americans to abandon the Democratic Party.

The “White Lives Matter” t-shirts are Ye’s latest political stunt after launching a failed presidential candidacy in 2020. He hinted last month that he would return for another run in the future.

“Yes, absolutely,” he replied when asked by “Good Morning America’s” Linsey Davis if he had future political aspirations.