
9 Cool Reasons You Should Start Taking Cold Showers

It may seem to go against our natural instincts, but foregoing warm baths for icy-cold showers actually has many benefits. Some of them may surprise you, and most of them have immediate effects! Turn that dial way up, because these super-cool reasons will convince…

21 Cleaning Hacks That You Really Should Know About

#1. Easily deodorize your fabric couch by sprinkling baking soda all over it and then vacuuming. #2. Stop buying expensive refills and just use a fluffy sock over your floor cleaner instead. #3. Leave jewelry soaking in hydrogen peroxide to restore…

12 Things Men Do To Impress Women That Actually Impresses Women

Netizens typically run to Reddit for funny memes and cat videos. But darn, who knew Redditors could be so romantic? Recently, someone asked the stalwart residents of Reddit one particularly interesting question: “What’s something men do to impress women that actually impresses women?”…

20 Instagram Accounts To Fuel Your Yoga Obsession

Do you feel the urge to stop, drop, and whip out the biggest baddest asana you can muster in strange places like the classroom, on top of buildings, in alleyways, and at home while watching Netflix? Then you’ve probably got…

20 Reasons You Should Start Rock Climbing

#1. Because sunsets look way better from above. A climber enjoys a tropical sunset in Thailand. #2. You’ll find out what the phrase “like a girl” really means… Amanda Clark at Smith Rock State Park, Oregon. #3. …and you’ll learn…

You’ve Been Charging Your Phone Wrong This Whole Time

Every smartphone owner knows the endless struggle between using your beloved iPhone’s apps and the, frankly crap, battery life which needs charging every single day. But it turns out we’ve been using our phones all wrong. These simple tips will keep your battery powering…

17 Indulgent No-Bake Desserts You Can Make In Minutes

Fancy something sweet, delicious, and indulgent but without the hassle of switching the oven on? We’ve got you covered. #1. N0-Bake Peanut Butter Cookies. Recipe here. #2. No-Bake Pineapple Cheesecakes. Recipe here. #3. Dark Chocolate and Coconut Bites. Recipe here.…