#1. If you want to convince someone of something, say that your parents told you first.
People are more inclined to believe information from a “trusted” source, like parents.
#2. Find out if someone likes you by saying a word and, each time that person says it, nod and smile.
They’re subconsciously copying you which shows they like you and you’re encouraging them.
#3. Always win Rock, Paper, Scissors by asking your opponent a question right before playing.
You’ll throw off their concentration and more often than not they’ll panic and say “scissors”.
#4. Encourage people to agree with something you’re saying by nodding while speaking.
Nodding is a positive enforcer and, following social patterns, people tend to nod back and find themselves agreeing with you.
#5. Separate crowds in a busy space by looking straight ahead and walking purposefully.
Most people look at faces in the crowd to determine where they’re going; by fixing your gaze and striding confidently people will automatically move out of your way.
#6. Get an annoying song out of your head by trying to remember the end of the song.
According to the Zeigarnik effect, our brains remember a partial loop of a song. By forcing yourself to think of the whole song, you’ll dislodge that catchy verse you’ve been humming all day.
#7. Make people more inclined to help you by saying, “I need your help with this…”
Saying “I need” makes people feel like they can’t say no, while saying “Would you help me?” gives them the option to decline.
#8. Make kids eat broccoli by asking if they want two or five stalks of broccoli.
Instead of asking if they want ANY broccoli, you’re allowing them to feel like they’ve made the choice but they’ll still do what you want. This works in many situations.
#9. Feel like you’re being watched? Yawn and look around.
If someone’s got their eyes on you, they won’t be able to help yawning too.
#10. To make people think you’re a great listener, paraphrase what someone says and repeat it back to them.
The person will think you’re paying attention to them — just don’t overdo it.
#11. See if someone likes you or not by asking to borrow a pen.
If they really don’t like you, they’ll say no, but more often than not they’ll accept such a small favor and probably think you’re not so bad after all.
#12. Don’t ask a friend to carry something for you, just give it to them mid-conversation.
The majority of people won’t even notice you just handed them a heavy box and will carry on talking.
#13. Make sure your hands are warm before shaking hands with someone.
Warm hands promote a friendly atmosphere and a cold handshake can make you seem distant and cold yourself.