Meet George, the adorable cat who loves to stand up on his hind quarters just like his human companions.
In fact, George likes the extra height so much that he’s mostly found standing up, earning him the nickname George2Legs.
In addition to his proclivity for standing on his hind legs, George also frequently has a contemplative expression on his face, as if he’s thinking VERY deep thoughts.
George doesn’t need a pickle as an incentive to stand on his hind legs… but it’s a nice bonus.
Carrying a backpack is more convenient when you’re standing.
“Did the internet go out again?”
“If I can stand, surely I can ride that tricycle.”
A rare photo of George NOT standing on his hind legs.
Dressed as his idol, Yoda.
“Hey mom! Does this count as standing on two legs?”
Even when resting, George seems to prefer being nice and stretched out.
Check out this video of George2legs demonstrating perfect hind-leg form:
[youtube id=”ZZvYdUhovIk”]
See more of George’s two legged adventures via his website, Facebook page, and Instagram.