Meet Zappa, The Dog With The Floppy Tongue Who Looks Exactly Like Sid The Sloth

Remember Sid the Sloth from the Ice Age movies? Well, he has a real-life lookalike. And it’s a dog.

Zappa, a 15-year-old Italian greyhound, has an uncanny resemblance to the beloved animated sloth Sid.

Owners Sadie, 23, and Rosalie Millen, 28, said that Zappa’s tongue started sticking out from the side of her mouth a few years ago after she lost her teeth.

The sisters said that Zappa’s unusual expression is because of a dental issue that is common to greyhounds.

“The first few times we saw her stick her tongue out, we ran to get a camera to capture it. We soon realized the tongue was here to stay!” Millen said.

The toothless but otherwise adorable dog has her own Instagram and Facebook accounts, where her unique look has attracted tons of followers.

Zappa’s parents and siblings were showdogs, but Zappa was rejected for not meeting standards.

“Zappa’s quirks and unconventional beauty make her even more special to us,” said Sadie.

“Nothing feels better than when someone tells us that a picture of Zappa made their day.”

I spy with my little eye… a wayward tooth! It’s one of Zappa’s two remaining teeth.

“It has been amazing how Zappa’s social media accounts have connected us with dog lovers from all over the world,” Sadie added.

“We hope to show how rewarding it can be to take care of a senior dog. Zappa brings so much joy to our lives,” Sadie said.

You can see this adorable Italian greyhound going about her doggy business on her website