Military Sleep Technique Proven to Work for 96% of People: Fall Asleep in Just Two Minutes

The big question is, will you be among the 96 percent of individuals who can fall asleep in just two minutes using this military technique?

We’ve all experienced it—especially those who struggle with anxiety. You’re in bed, utterly exhausted, but your mind is racing. You reach for your phone, its blue light only making things worse, and wonder, “Is there a way to fall asleep instantly?”

It turns out, there actually is a method. Although, knowing my luck, I’ll likely be in the unfortunate four percent it doesn’t work for—but maybe you’ll have better success.

Even though there’s not yet a magical ‘on-off’ switch for our brains—come on, science—there is a military sleep method that might be the next best thing.

Fitness coach Justin Agustin shared the technique on his platform, claiming it works for an impressive 96 percent of people and can reportedly get you to sleep in just two minutes.

So, how exactly does it work?

This technique was developed by the US Army, specifically for fighter pilots who need to maintain 100 percent of their reflexes and for those in active combat who must be able to fall asleep in noisy and stressful environments.

To fall asleep quickly, you need to get comfortable and focus on your breathing.

Once you’ve got that down, you start to relax your entire body from the scalp down. Begin with your forehead and facial features.

Make sure nothing is tense, and keep your arms loose and by your sides.

Imagine a warmth spreading from your head to your fingertips, then move to your chest. Take a deep breath to help your chest relax, and continue to relax your stomach, thighs, legs, and feet.

Visualize this warm sensation moving from your heart down to your toes.

Now comes the more challenging part.

For optimal results, your mind needs to be free of any stressors.

Picture yourself in a cozy setting, like lying in a warm boat on a calm lake or wrapped up in a velvet hammock.


Technique to falling asleep in 2 minutes! Insp. AsapSCIENCE on YT #sleep #fallasleep #insomnia #insomniac #learnontiktok #howto

♬ You – Petit Biscuit

If intrusive thoughts, like recalling the time you awkwardly said ‘you too!’ to a waiter who wished you a good meal, start to creep in, repeat “Don’t think” to yourself for ten seconds.

After this, you should hopefully be able to drift off to sleep.

It might sound too good to be true, but comments on Agustin’s video suggest there is some validity to the method.

One person commented, “I’m a military brat and was taught this. I also had a veteran as a psychology teacher in college who taught this. It definitely works.”

Another noted, “Pretty sure this is closer to what is called Progressive Muscle Relaxation, which was developed by an American physician in 1908.”

So there you have it—sweet dreams!