14 Most Expensive Cat Breeds In The World

It’s not just dogs that come in a variety of different breeds. Cats too have dozens of breeds that each have their own unique physical traits and characteristics. Not all cat breeds are expensive, but as a general rule, the rarer the cat, the pricier the tag.

#1. Norwegian Forest Cat, up to $3,000.

This fluffball’s ancestors were bred by Vikings over 2,000 years ago, with lush fur to keep them cozy in cold forests and awesome hunting skills.

#2. Himalayan Cat, up to $1,300.

Although it looks a little like a Persian cat, the blue eyes and colorpoint coloring is characteristic of a Himalayan. Bred in the US in the 1950s, these cats are friendly, calm and obedient.

#3. Scottish Fold Cat, up to $1,500.

Scottish Folds have the cutest ears of all cats which, as the name suggests, look like they’ve folded over, the result of a genetic mutation. These clever cats are very sociable and playful, and they’re known for standing on their hind legs to watch the world go by.

#4. Peterbald Cat, up to $1,200.

Also known as the Petersburg Sphynix, this cat was first bred in Russia in 1994. They can be bald of fuzzy, and they’re sociable and calm in nature and very easy to train.

#5. Egyptian Mau Cat, up to $1,500.

They’ve been around since Ancient Egypt, but they haven’t changed much in 3,000 years. As well as their fur, these cats actually have spotted skin.

#6. Maine Coon Cat, up to $1,500.

This super-size cat is more like a small lion than a house pet, reaching up to 1.23m in length. But they’re affectionate and playful, despite their giant size.

#7. LaPerm Cat, up to $2,000.

Bred in the 1980s in the US, these cats have distinctive curly fur (like a perm, geddit?) and they’re hypoallergenic, so even people allergic to kitties can cuddle up with these fluffy pets.

#8. Russian Blue Cat, up to $2,000.

These kitties originated in Russia (obviously) in 1893, and are a very popular shorthair breed, possibly because they’re said to bring luck the the house they live in.

#9. Elf Cat, up to $2,000.

This young breed was only developed in the US in 2006. Elfs are said to be friendly, smart, mischievous, curious and devoted — even if they look a bit weird.

#10. American Curl Cat, up to $3,000.

This California-bred cat remains small — it’s hard to tell a kitten from a full-grown adult — and when they’re around 10 days old their ears begin to turn back, like tiny little horns.

#11. Khao Manee Cat, up to $11,000.

First mentioned in the “Cat Book Poems” of ancient Siam in 1350, these were the favored cats of royalty and considered a symbol of luck, longevity, and wealth (which you’d need anyway to afford one).

#12. Caracal Cat, up to $10,000.

Technically a wild cat, this breed is in danger of extinction and kitty-lovers are encouraged to buy them to preserve their species, making them a favorite for wealthy people looking for exotic pets.

#13. Savannah Cat, up to $22,000.

Bred from an African Serval and a domestic cat, this leopard for your home can grow up to 33lbs and reach 1.9ft in height. They’re super clever and super active, needing lots of space to play and long walks.

#14. Ashera Cat, up to $125,000.

And finally, topping the list as the most expensive cat in the world is the Ashera cat. This beautiful cat is not only the most expensive, but also one of the rarest cats. The Ashera cat breed is a cross between a domestic cat and an Asian leopard. Stunningly beautiful — if you’ve got a spare $100k+ lying around.