In 2006, a chilling mystery unfolded when a medical student disappeared after a night out with friends, leaving no trace behind. Brian Shaffer was a student at Ohio State University College of Medicine. On March 31, 2006, he and his friend William ‘Clint’ Florence headed to the Ugly Tuna Saloona, a popular bar located in Columbus’ University District. CCTV footage captured the 27-year-old Brian and William as they ascended the escalator to the bar.
After enjoying a few drinks at the Ugly Tuna Saloona, Brian and his friends decided to explore more of the nightlife in the Arena District and Short North. Later that evening, another friend, Meredith Reed, offered them a ride back to the Ugly Tuna. CCTV footage once again showed the group making their way up the escalator to the bar around 1:15 AM. It was the last time Brian was seen. Less than an hour later, he was spotted talking to a couple of women, and then he vanished, leaving behind a mystery that has perplexed many for over a decade.
Shortly after Brian’s disappearance, Meredith attempted to contact him, only to find his calls going directly to voicemail. She and William left the bar, hopeful they might reconnect with Brian the next day. However, they were unable to reach him. Brian’s father, Randy, also tried contacting him to no avail, prompting him and others to report Brian missing. A massive search operation ensued, hoping to uncover any clues to his whereabouts. The last images of Brian captured him walking outside the Ugly Tuna Saloona, then disappearing off-camera, possibly toward the back exit that led into a construction site.
One prevailing theory suggested that Brian might have left the bar through a rear door that opened onto a construction site, possibly after changing his clothes. However, his family dismissed this idea as implausible. In 2020, a glimmer of hope surfaced when a photograph from Tijuana, Mexico, thought to possibly depict Brian, circulated online. Unfortunately, the FBI later confirmed that the individual in the photo was not him.
If Brian is still alive today, he would be 45 years old. A $100,000 reward remains on offer for information leading to his safe return. This baffling case continues to intrigue and sadden those who have followed it, leaving many to wonder about the fate of the young student who disappeared one spring night in Columbus.