This Not-So-Geeky Kid Kills It In A Badass School Dance-Off

It was the last day at school, and the students at Yorktown High School in New York were eager to start summer vacation.

A group had gathered in the cafeteria to dance, so naturally, Kevin Carroll — an experienced dancer with Country Academy of Dance who also performs with the school dance team — had to get in on the fun. Here he is in action:

“Go Kevin, go Kevin, go Kevin….”

Kevin has been a little bothered by some of attention the viral video has garnered, especially for the way he’s been characterized as “nerdy.”

“I just see so many people, they think ‘the white kid with glasses…’ The assumption is they can’t dance. But no, that’s a wrong assumption. I like how [the video] proves that wrong. I think that’s maybe why it’s found so much traction — it breaks the stereotype,” he told Huffington Post.

Watch the full video, complete with hooting and hollering from the student body, below.