20 Photos Of Older Men Who Are More Stylish Than You

#1. Günther Anton Krabbenhöft has more style than people half his age.

#2. Why hello there.

#3. Can you get any more awesome than this guy?

#4. We want his pants.

#5. Is that you, Santa…?

#6. His tats are on point.

#7. This photo proves you’re never too old to rock a distressed denim shirt.

#8. Style and sophistication. And a parrot, because why the heck not.

#9. Be still my beating heart.

#10. Err, need any help with that?

#11. Sigh.

#12. His shirt <3

#13. Breaking hearts with his white stubble.

#14. What are you looking at? Oh, my clothes… go ahead.

#15. We don’t mind his pouting.

#16. Remember, you can be stylish even while cycling.

#17. We have no words.

#18. We don’t know how, but he makes it work so well.

#19. Sorry, ladies. He’s taken.

#20. Bold prints are for bold men.