5 Sweeteners To Avoid And 5 Better Alternatives To Try

Even if you don’t have a sweet tooth, there’s always some form of sweetener in almost everything we consume. Some are of course better than others, and that’s what we’re here to share. This list breaks down the most common…

12 Best Exercises For Pregnant Women

So you’re pregnant! We bet that the struggle of carrying a human in your belly makes you want to just stay in bed and do absolutely nothing. But did you know that maintaining a regular exercise routine throughout your pregnancy actually…

Why Your Eye Is Twitching, And How To Make It Stop

Ever experienced an uncomfortable twitching in your eye, similar to leg cramps? Then you know how uncomfortable it gets. Also called eye spasms, eyelid tics, or “myokymia,” that pesky twitching is caused by involuntary muscle spasms in the small muscles and…

Humidifier vs Diffuser: Which One Is Right For You?

Many are still confused about the difference between a humidifier and diffuser, mistaking them to be the same thing. This article compares both to explain their similarities and differences so you know exactly which one is right for you. Essential…

10 Reasons Why You Need A Slow Cooker In Your Life

They’re the must-have kitchen gadget for every proud suburban housewife, but slow cookers are so much more than just a Stepford wife’s accessory. This handy and dependable cooking tool should be on every kitchen counter all over the world, and…

Health Benefits Of Using A Humidifier At Home

A humidifier is great to have at home all year-round, but during winter time or any dry weather is when you’ll really reap its health benefits. Here’s how humidifiers make you way healthier. 1. It alleviates snoring and improves sleep.…

Kegel Exercises: Why You Should Do It And How To Do It Right

Kegels: you’ve probably heard about them before, right? Maybe you wrote off the idea as something you didn’t need to learn, or you mistakenly thought that it’s exclusively a sex thing and your bedroom activities are fine the way they…

5 Home Remedies For Menstrual Cramps That Actually Work

The pain that Aunt Flo brings with her may become unbearable sometimes, but there are easy and natural ways to relieve it without having to resort to over-the-counter drugs. Below are some that work every time, without fail: 1. Yoga.…

9 Of The Weirdest Facials Actual People Have Tried

It’s funny how people seem to get the wildest ideas when it comes to skincare. But as long as it gets them one step closer to the Fountain of Youth, people will literally try anything. Sometimes we can talk some…

How To Survive An Asthma Attack When You Don’t Have An Inhaler

Asthma is a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and produce extra mucus. This makes breathing difficult and triggers coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Asthma can be triggered by many factors, including: Dust, pet dander, mold and pollen…

How To Safely Perform An Enema At Home For First-Timers

Enemas are the answer to your severe constipation problems. It’s a liquid treatment that stimulates ‘stool evacuation.’ What this means is that it’s a technique that’s supposed to cleanse out your colon by pushing waste out of your rectum. There…