People are only just discovering ‘Armored MMA’ fights and are shocked it’s an actual sport

Every day brings new learning experiences, and today, many are discovering a sport that seems to be straight out of a Renaissance fair.

With the plethora of sports showcased in the Olympics, it’s easy for some to slip under the radar.

From Futsal to Nordic Combined, Wushu, and Luge – all legitimate sports, by the way – one less commonly known is Armored MMA.

Despite its obscurity, Armored MMA is an established sport with a substantial following.

Officially referred to as HMB (Historical Medieval Battle) according to a specialized website, Armored MMA originated in 1995 in Eastern Europe and has since gained global popularity.

The sport involves ‘fencing techniques combined with Judo, Muay Thai, and other martial arts, all while donning a full suit of steel armor.’

And yes, it includes weapons like blunted swords and spears. Although these weapons are modified for safety, it still might give one pause before jumping in.

While it may not be the easiest sport to get involved in, the videos suggest it’s incredibly entertaining to watch.

Much like traditional MMA, becoming a ‘good fighter’ in HMB requires similar disciplines.

According to their website: “Regular training, patience and a willingness to learn. Leave your ego at the door, watch and listen carefully.”

That sounds like sage advice for life in general.

Despite being around for nearly three decades, many are still surprised by its existence, and it could easily be mistaken for a mere reenactment.

One astonished viewer commented: “S**t looks more interesting than UFC just saying.”

Another remarked: “I want to try this so bad!! TBH, please do not judge me.”

A third person tweeted: “I really want to do this, does it happen in the UK?”

Someone else asked: “Where can I watch this?”

For those curious, Nashville is a hotspot for Armored MMA, with a tournament scheduled for November at the Nashville Municipal Auditorium.

If a trip to Nashville isn’t feasible, several YouTube channels are dedicated to the sport for you to explore.

In reaction to a fierce Reddit video, one person noted: “I mean that’s more or less how it went historically, except when you got the guy down you jammed your dagger through the cutout in the helmet instead of just punching.”

Others were more skeptical, with one user stating: “They will call ANYTHING a sport.”

Another bluntly questioned: “What the f**k am I watching right now, it’s like Black Mirror at this point.”

It’s a valid point, considering the weapons used in the sport are quite formidable. Even though the swords are blunted, you’d likely still avoid being jabbed with one.

So, will you become an Armored MMA enthusiast, or will you stick with Futsal?