This Cat Loves Throwing Her Paws In The Air Like She Just Don’t Care

A black and white cat who loves to throw her hands in the air and wave them like she just don’t care is going viral after her human posted pictures of the quirky cat online.

This is Keys and her signature pose which, according to her human Peter Mares, started as an early-morning stretch.

She did it again and Peter gave her a treat of coconut oil (her favorite thing) so now whenever she sees a camera she throws up her hands, resulting in these hilarious snaps.

“Hooray, the bathroom!”

“It wasn’t me. I’m innocent!”

“All hail the great outdoors!”

Or maybe it’s a yoga cat take on the sun salutation?


“Put your paws up, the humans home!”

And obviously this had led to an outbreak of Keys-based photoshop efforts, like this goalie cat.

And this just had to be done.

This cat that knows the answer.

Keys is a champion boxer (well, she’s nailed the victory pose).

Move over John Cusack, Keys is the star of Say Anything now.

She even popped up at the Oscars.

Other cats might not get it, but Keys is just so damn excited all day long.

You can see more of Keys paw-waving antics on Instagram.