This Woman With Scoliosis Posed Topless In A Stunning Photoseries To Break Down The Stigma Around Disabilities

Photographer Rebecca Dann was diagnosed with scoliosis, a condition causing her spine to curve sideways, when she was just 4 years old. Now, she’s using art to challenge the stigma around disability.

The photoseries, aptly named “I’m Fine”, aims to explore “the stigma around disabilities when it comes to dating,” explains Rebecca.

“I originally started the project exploring dating with a disability, and it slowly turned into a project about me accepting myself for who I am.”

“It’s a mixture of challenging people’s perception of beauty and disabilities, as well as telling people that ‘I’m Fine’, I won’t break, and I am just like everyone else, even with my disability.”

“At first I was really nervous and self-conscious,” said Rebecca, “I felt very exposed. When I started to think that these photos would be seen by all my teachers and classmates, it really scared me. I never expected the world to see my photos.”

“But I kept telling myself this is something I have always wanted to do.”

“The first time I took photos, it was in a studio where no one could see me. The third time, it was in my university canteen, meaning that so many people could see me — people I didn’t know at all — and that was scary.”

“I really exposed myself, but I’m glad that I did because each time, I grew in confidence.”

“The main thing I want people to know is to not judge a book by its cover, as cliche as that is.”

“Don’t just look at someone and assume something.”

“Don’t look at me, see my back, and dismiss me. I’m just like you!”

You can keep up with Rebecca’s awesome work on her website.