I Had No Idea Why This Guy Dumped Weird Goo All Over His Car… But Now I’m Completely Jealous.

Expanding foam is normally used to fill gaps, stop draughts, dampen sounds and insulate walls. But one car enthusiast decided to put it to a more… creative use. The photos below take you through his amazing journey of transforming a decrepit old car, into one that looks fast, sexy, expensive, and quite simply awesome.

01 - ObLbAhC

02 - Ve1NcnU

03 - 9LZILDB

04 - PSM4EvT

05 - 4Bdjyrm

06 - TPqroZY

07 - idhTEa7

08 - h63pK0A

09 - RzTrUg3

10 - Z26q5v2

11 - NNosaXX

12 - 7JY017Z

13 - EUd1mHf

14 - qbJ7JqQ

15 - zGC1Smi

16 - WFR2L1U

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18 - o0Gw9J7

19 - Tl4667R

20 - xNikCAm

21 - Z4hdnVT

22 - UbOKtQJ

23 - JHG4UvV

24 - Pm1X325

25 - wtzScfP

26 - c6k9grJ

27 - snrDY5O

28 - FYrkZ5v

29 - AJYmzeR

30 - xY3fK6m

31 - QOxzudD

32 - scXLemd

33 - Pbj2T52

34 - nLaM7oW

35 - TjykesD

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37 - TjGnpmO

38 - W4dBDO8

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41 - ROop2V5

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43 - Dvlf370

44 - cClBIeZ