11 Adorable Shibas Who Just Keep Getting Stuck In Things

#1. This Shiba who makes the best of bad situations.

#2. This Shiba who seriously miscalculated.

“Help me… please…”

#3. This Shiba who’s stuck at work.

#4. This Shiba who regrets getting on the rock because he really hates water. Now he’s doomed to a life of solitude on his lonely island.

#5. And this Shiba cousin who just wanted to make friends.

#6. This Shiba bookworm is studying for a PhD and just wants you to leave her alone!

#7. “How did this happen.”

#8. This Shiba who is really embarrassed and would rather you didn’t point and laugh.

#9. This Shiba who forgot her head was significantly smaller than her body.

#10. This Shiba who is caught between a soft and a softer place… and looks pretty pleased about it.

#11. This Shiba who knows #thestruggleisreal.
