Does Tapping A Soda Can Actually Stop It From Foaming Over?

People everywhere claim that tapping the top of a fizzy drink can prevents the liquid armageddon unleashed by a shaken-up soda, but does it really work?

When you open a can of fizzy drink, that satisfying “hiss” is gas bubbles escaping from the liquid. And if those bubbles get too big, this happens.

This is because the bigger bubbles from deeper in the liquid shoot upwards and send soda flying everywhere.

The theory behind tapping the can is that the bubbles will be displaced by the vibration from tapping, so there’s less chance of a soda explosion.

But both Coke and Pepsi have said that tapping has little effect on soda over-fizz, and others still have pointed out that as time passes the bubbles burst on their own eventually and tapping has no actual effect.

In fact, the best way to reduce over-fizz is by popping your soda can in the freezer for a moment, as temperature affects the solubility of those troublesome bubbles.

So now you can enjoy a refreshing soda this summer without the fear of accidentally ending up wearing your drink.
