self help

Why Your Eye Is Twitching, And How To Make It Stop

Ever experienced an uncomfortable twitching in your eye, similar to leg cramps? Then you know how uncomfortable it gets. Also called eye spasms, eyelid tics, or “myokymia,” that pesky twitching is caused by involuntary muscle spasms in the small muscles and…

Here’s How Successful People Deal With Setbacks

#1. They acknowledge the setback and learn from it. Successful people reflect on their failures because they offer the best learning opportunities. Thinking about why and how you went wrong makes you more aware of your strengths and weaknesses, and going forward, allows you…

This Is How To Survive Choking When You’re Alone

We all know about the Heimlich manouver to clear someone’s airways when they’re choking, but how do you save yourself if you’re alone and struggling to breathe? Jeff Rehman, a fire medic of 22 years, has an effective way to clear…

6 Things You Won’t Catch Emotionally Intelligent People Doing

Emotionally intelligent people recognize their own and other people’s emotions, are able to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and use emotional information to guide their thinking and behavior. In short, emotionally intelligent people have a sense of what to avoid in…